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Monday, December 26, 2005

Background checks being debated?

So what might be the problem with this? Here is an excerpt
from the article.

A debate among online dating companies over whether
their websites should be required to say whether they do
criminal background checks on clients has spilled over into
state legislatures, a reflection of the websites' rising

True.com, a Dallas-based online dating service, started the
ruckus in July 2004 when it began touting its criminal
background checks and wrote proposed legislation that would
force online dating sites to say whether they conduct such
checks. The proposal has been considered by legislatures in
California, Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Florida and Michigan, but
none has passed it.

I'm all for this and I'd prefer to have someone tell me that
they've checked this person out. Sure will keep the frauds
out of the loop, well, the ones who have been already caught



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